Friday, October 31, 2008


1. Who are your U.S. senators?
Evan Bayh (R) and Richard Lugar (R)

2.Who is your Congressman/Woman?
Steven Buyer (R)

3. Who is your state senator?
Jim Buck (R)

4.Who is your state congressman/woman?
Mitch Daniels (D)

5.Which of these is up for re-election?
Mitch Daniels

6.What are their position/political affiliations?
Mitch Daniels is wishes to help communities with foreclosure and homeless, and to help with child support.

7.Who is running for governor?
Mitch Daniels (R), Andy Horning (L), Jill Long Thompson (D)


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Pledge Alligance...

The question, “Are all people created equal?” can be twisted into several different meanings and debates. You could argue that we are born equal, but as life passes on, that equality starts to deteriorate or if any physical differences or even social statuses make a difference. This question I think actually poses many different sub-questions, which should to be taken into careful consideration.
In the question itself, they use a very distinct word that I find intriguing, and that is “created.” All men (and women) are “created” equal. This word can also mean born of to bring to existence. So it is implied that you have equal rights when you are born. The question that is brought up from this is do we keep that freedom as we continue to live out our lives, or is it stripped away from us. First of all, I think that yes, we are all born created with equal rights. We might have the same “fortunes” or opportunities as each other, but we all have the same rights as another. Equality can be warped and twisted in different ways. Equality can mean your rights or your wealth, attributes, and other features/ characteristics. I think we are all born differently, and we are definitely are different and unique from one another, but we all share one big thing, our rights (American wise, sorry North Koreans, I got nothing for you.)
Is our equality stripped away from us as we continue to live our lives? Many people do think so and try to solve this problem with different solutions, such as protesting, starting clans, etc. I think that you are still created equal and it sticks with you for as long as you exist, but other people are probably going to try and take your rights away from you, or make you think you don’t have any. You still have those equal rights, but it just feel or seem like it.
This is also another reason why some people might not believe that they have these inalienable rights and liberties is because of other people getting in the way and trying to knock you down. There are two sides to today’s congress, Democrat and Republican, which really don’t have many differences at all, but they just beat the living crap out of the differences they do have and keep blowing them out of proportion that it seems as if you are trying to choose between heaven and hell. Because of this, people are constantly being ridiculed and possibly banished from their social group just because of what they believe in, and the freedom of free speech and free thinking is one of those inalienable rights that people posses which is constantly overlooked upon. We just keep beating and beating each party up and we become more and more farther apart. Eventually, I think we might even have a civil war on our hands if we don’t realize what kind of nation we are creating from this. Many of the constitutional rights are being downsized and exploited because of one another taking a side. We need to ban together and help one another to become an even greater nation.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


After watching the film, SUPERSIZE ME, my response was I really honestly do not feel more or less obligated to eat fast food. I knew that this was bad for me to begin with, but what I didn't know was how much this could affect me in a short amount of time. Definitley I feel like I should take my fast food eating down to a minimum. My parents have always told me this, but actually seeing exactly HOW MUCH sugar and fat I intake when I eat that kind of junk is just sickening. Now, the type of food they sell does not sicken me, but how much it can add up. Really though, I prefer Wendy's or Taco Bell, but McDonald's will do in a pinch.
The rest of the world on the other hand, some of them disagree what Morgan Spurlock did. There were NUMEROUS documentaries after his trying out similar diets like he did and investigating fast food. Specifically, there was a documentary about how a woman went on a 30 day Mickey D diet and lost 10 pounds and dropped her cholesterol. This being said, she only took in about 2,000 calories a day, while Morgan Spurlock took in about 5,000 calories a day, and didn't exercise. I have been told by my father numerous times that most of the time it isn't what you put inside you, it's how much you put inside you, or quantity effects you more than quality (weight wise, not health wise). Yes, I believe this to be true, you can eat only salads, but if you eat 5,000 calories of salad every day, you arn't helping yourself. This is one way to look at this.
What I also thought as crazy was several of McDonald's reactions. They took away the super size option at their restaurants, which I think should be a huge accomplishment for Morgan. They also created a new "healthy" breakfast sandwich called th McGriddle, but Morgan said that it had more sugar than the McDonald's cookies. I think that McDonalds knows that what they sell is unhealthy, and the admit that they do, but McDonalds does say that in isn't thier fault that people "overdose" on their food and become obese.
This brings up the question, "Where does personal responsibility begin and where does cooperate responsibility begin?" I think that this is an age old question that will probably be a problem from now until we can finally find a solution we can all agree on. To me, I think that the QUANTITIY of the food you stuff in your face is YOUR responsibility, but the QUALITY of the food you stuff in your face is up to the businesses.