Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Freedom or Survival"

Often times it is asked, “Is it honorable or stupid to carry on a fight against overwhelming odds? Is honor more important that life itself?” Well it really depends. The factors that would work into that would be what kind of person you are, what the scenario is, and what you are fighting for. As for honor I think it really depends on the morals that you have. If you can look at yourself every day in the mirror knowing what you have done, staring at your own face and not have a problem with it, you might think it is just fine. But that doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. There might be other consequences that are dealt with. The answer cannot be fully justified with one example.
A time that I could see it be important to fight against overwhelming odds would be in war. I’ve seen many war films where many people fight overwhelming odds to protect what they love and believe in. That is very respectable. Others might think otherwise. They might think that your morals are messed up and you are totally off your rocker. But their morals could be totally off too. I think that it is very honorable and if you believe very hard in what you are doing, it is dying for.
There can be positive and negative effects of being extremely obedient to your beliefs. A positive example would be the American Revolution, which founded freedom of this country. People who believed in freedom and had high morals decided to rebel and fight for what they believed to be the good of the nation. They in turn gave freedom and democracy to the entire United States and created one of the biggest and well-known countries in the modern world. A negative example of this would be Hitler, who believed he was “cleansing” the Earth for the greater good. He thought if he wiped out the people who were weak, deformed, or retarded than he would make a race of strong individuals, like a master race. In reality, he was killing millions of people in the process, including mentally retarded, jewfish, elderly, etc. Most of the time when you are really faithful to your beliefs people, animals, or things start dying. It is all based on the perspective of the person if it is honorable or not. I think that if you believe in what you think, then that is very good. You need to have faith in yourself, but be open and listen to others who might think you are out of whack.
This question on if honor is also based on the perspective. Some people cannot even look at themselves or live with themselves if they don’t have any honor to their names. The Spartans are a magnificent example of people who cannot live without honor. They believed that to die in battle is the most honorable thing you can achieve. Two Spartans were let go and they were ridiculed back in Sparta. I think that if you really believe in something that much to die for it is pretty extraordinary, but for me it really depends on the subject. I would die for my god, someone, and/or something I love, but not for like a Hershey bar.

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